Friday 24 February 2012

Secondhand book lover

My love for reading started early on at an age when i had a subscription for a kids weekly magazine Bobo. The subscription did not last long but still my mum bought me the magazine once in a while. I remember when i was in the fourth grade, my mum gave me a book for my birthday present. It was Lima Sekawan: Memperjuangkan harta Finniston (eng: The Famous Five: Five on Finniston Farm) by Enid Blyton and i really enjoyed reading it. I realized books were not cheap and being a good daughter i never asked for them, instead i rented or borrowed from friends. I loved to read books by Enid Blyton, Astrid Lindgren, Edith Unnerstad and Erich Kästner. They are my favorite childrens book authors.

When i got a job and had my own money, I would hunt those books that i had read but could never afford, it is sort of become my hobby :D. Reese Witherspoon once said "I get crazy in a bookstore. It makes my heart beat hard because I want to buy everything". I agree with her, the only difference is probably i get crazier in a secondhand bookstore :-).  For me, secondhand bookstore is more exciting since you don´t know what you might find, it´s like treasure hunting :D. I can spend hours and hours there.

Few months ago i found Edith Unnerstad book called The Urchin. It turned out it is the english version of Si Bandel (Indonesian Version), one of my favorite books :-).

Hubby said to me one day, "don´t you think its easier just to order books from ebay or amazon?". I got his point but you wont get the same excitement when you get it from bookstore. I like to be surrounded by piles of books, scanning them and finding the books that i have been looking for :-).