Friday 26 August 2011


Me and hubby were not typical salad people but after deciding to lose weight, we started to eat and actually enjoy this salad. Personally i dont like creamy or ready made salad dressings, based on that fact i decided to make my own dressing.

This is a simple recipe with a nice mix of flavour. Now very often when i ask hubby what he would like for dinner, surprise surprise he wants the salad :D. On the plus side we have both reduced weight and hubby has lowered his cholesterol level too (i'd like to think i have too) so all in all it was a smart and healthy decission for which we are both happy about.

by: Rie

Romaine lettuce - wash and cut as desire
Cherry tomatoes - wash and cut as desire
Cucumber - wash and cut as desire
Feta cheese
Cooked shrimp

1½  Tbsp Distilled vinegar
1 Tbsp Garlic infused olive oil
1 Tsp Granulated sugar
Freshly ground black pepper
Dried oregano

- Place all the ingredients in a big bowl
- Wisk together dressing ingredients. Pour dressing over salad, toss and serve immediately.