Monday 15 August 2011


He is hubby's youngest son's blue staffordshire bull terrier. He is 3 years old and has a blue coat. I really dont understand why they call them blue staffordshire bull terrier, to me he's more like greyish :D. Anyway, i was scared when i first met him 2 years ago, he looked scary and unfriendly but it slowly changed. He is a fearsome looking dog but really he is really gentle and easy to fall in love with.

I got a chance to get close with him early this year. Hubby's son had something important to do so he couldnt take care of him. For one and half months Shadow had to stay with me and hubby. I was the one who spent more time together with him since hubby had to go to work five days in a week. I took care of him and walked him twice a day. I started to like him and i guess he started to like me as well. Hubby even told me that when i wasnt with him he cried. He was always lying beside me and followed me everywhere i went, even to the bathroom!!!. The only time he lay away from me was when he was sunbathing but i knew that he kept his ears in standby so everytime i made a move he was always checking me out.

Shadow enjoying the sun

Now he is back with hubby's son and seems he forget about me :-(. He broke my heart hiks. I wont forget him though :-), he reminded me not to judge book by its cover.